Checking a guest into CloudBeds will active the phone in the room, set the guest name for caller ID and prepare the voicemail box
When the guest is checked out, the room phone gets deactivated, caller ID name is reset and voicemail box is cleared out
When the guest name record has changed in the PMS system, the telephone Caller ID will also change
Do Not Disturb can be set from the phone, SimplyVX Management Interface (SMI) or CloudBeds
Housekeeping staff can go into a room and press a feature code on the phone that will set the status of the room to clean / dirty in the CloudBeds system
When guest make calls using the hotel room phone, a charge will be calculated based on the hotels desired charges and then posted to the guests folio to be added to the final amount upon check-out.
Guest records and reservation records being imported into SimplyVX Management Interface (SMI) allows the hotel to create contact lists based on several criteria which can be used for mass SMS texts, as an example. As more features are implemented in the SimplyVX product, the guest / reservation records will be a central to the communications strategy with the hotel guest, present, past and future
Cloudbeds is one easy-to-use hospitality management suite that simplifies the working lives of hoteliers and hosts. Cloudbeds’ award-winning software is trusted by tens of thousands of boutique hotels, hostels, inns, vacation rentals and groups in over 157 countries. With over 300 distribution integrations, Cloudbeds helps properties grow revenue and automate their workflows with confidence and ease. Founded in 2012, Cloudbeds has expanded to over 400 people with local teams in 40 countries, speaking 30+ languages.